Monday, October 24, 2011

Dharma Leadership - Letting Go

“Some people think it’s holding that makes one strong—sometimes it’s letting go.” ~Unknown

Today, I sell my car. This might not seem like a big deal, but I've had my car for over 10 years. There are very few things in my life - outside my family - which have been constants in my life for more than 10 years. And so, I find myself having difficulty letting go. In every rational way, making this decision makes sense. I don't drive to work, the car is getting older and expensive to maintain, I have to pay to park. It's a manual car in a hilly city, and ZipCar is much more efficient. Plus, I'm doing a good deed by selling it; I'm selling it to a friend who really needs a car and I'm giving him a good deal. The net happiness of the universe will increase.

And...yet. When I look at the car, I see a friend, as absurd as that may sound to some of my fellow San Franciscans without cars. I see the car that drove me to my honeymoon flight. The car I drove from Austin to San Francisco in with my parents. That car is one of my last connections back to a life and memories which are quickly fading.

So, what's the point? The point is this: we are not logical decision makers. And that's a good thing! Life wouldn't be worth living if we were all Spock. But, at the same time, these memories and feelings can often cloud our judgment and keep us from making forward progress. It makes sense to sell my car! I will be happier. If I cling to the car, it will merely drain me of resources better spent on other topics, like my massage training. The memories are still there, they're not going anywhere. Hanging onto the car won't bring those experiences back; the past is past. Selling the car is an investment in my present and in my future.

(It helps that, since it's a friend buying the car, I can go visit it :] )

So...what's holding you back?

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